State party's report | CEDAW/C/QAT/2 | 01 Feb 2018 | 31 Jan 2018 | 16 Feb 2018 |
View document
| | | | | | | E | | S | A | | | | | | CEDAW_C_QAT_2_7363_A.pdf | | | QAT | CEDAW/C/QAT/2 | | | 29 | True |
Annex to State party report | Annexes (as received) (A only) | | 31 Jan 2018 | 02 Feb 2018 |
View document
| | | | A | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CEDAW_ADR_QAT_30109_A.pdf | | | QAT | INT/CEDAW/ADR/QAT/30109 | | | 151 | True |
List of issues | CEDAW/C/QAT/Q/2 | | 20 Nov 2018 | 20 Nov 2018 |
View document
| | | | | | | E | | S | A | | | CEDAW_C_QAT_Q_2_32721_E.docx | | | | | | QAT | CEDAW/C/QAT/Q/2 | | | 18 | True |
Annex to Reply to List of Issues | Annexes (as received) (A only) | | | |
View document
| | | | A | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CEDAW_ARL_QAT_34342_A.docx | | | QAT | INT/CEDAW/ARL/QAT/34342 | | | 169 | True |
Reply to List of Issues | CEDAW/C/QAT/Q/2/Add.1 | | 22 Mar 2012 | 06 May 2019 |
View document
| | | | | | | E | | S | A | | | | | | CEDAW_C_QAT_Q_2_Add-1_32722_A.docx | | | QAT | CEDAW/C/QAT/Q/2/Add.1 | | | 22 | True |
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) | Joint report of the Global Campaign for Equal Nationality Rights, the Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion, and Equality Now | | 10 Jun 2019 | |
View document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CEDAW_CSS_QAT_35160_E.docx | | | | | | QAT | INT/CEDAW/CSS/QAT/35160 | | | 158 | True |
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) | Maat for Peace, Development and Human Rights | | 28 May 2019 | |
View document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CEDAW_CSS_QAT_35159_E.docx | | | | | | QAT | INT/CEDAW/CSS/QAT/35159 | | | 158 | True |
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) | Musawah | | | |
View document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CEDAW_CSS_QAT_35324_E.docx | | | | | | QAT | INT/CEDAW/CSS/QAT/35324 | | | 158 | True |
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for the session) | Qatar Foundation for Social Work (QSW) | | 10 Jun 2019 | |
View document
| E | | | A | | | | | | | | | INT_CEDAW_CSS_QAT_35131_E.docx | | | INT_CEDAW_CSS_QAT_35131_A.docx | | | QAT | INT/CEDAW/CSS/QAT/35131 | | | 158 | True |
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) | Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children | | 01 Oct 2018 | 01 Oct 2018 |
View document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CEDAW_ICO_QAT_32574_E.pdf | | | | | | QAT | INT/CEDAW/ICO/QAT/32574 | | | 154 | True |
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) | Musawah | | 31 Oct 2018 | 31 Oct 2018 |
View document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CEDAW_ICO_QAT_32890_E.pdf | | | | | | QAT | INT/CEDAW/ICO/QAT/32890 | | | 154 | True |
Info from Civil Society Organizations (for LOIs) | The Arab Organisation for Human Rights in the UK & EU | | 04 Apr 2018 | 04 Apr 2018 |
View document
| E | | | A | | | | | | | | | INT_CEDAW_NGO_QAT_30833_E.pdf | | | INT_CEDAW_NGO_QAT_30833_A.pdf | | | QAT | INT/CEDAW/NGO/QAT/30833 | | | 154 | True |
Info from NHRIs (for the session) | The National Human Rights Committee’s (NHRC) | | 20 Feb 2018 | 20 Feb 2018 |
View document
| E | | | A | | | | | | | | | INT_CEDAW_IFN_QAT_30356_E.pdf | | | INT_CEDAW_IFN_QAT_30356_A.pdf | | | QAT | INT/CEDAW/IFN/QAT/30356 | | | 159 | True |
Statement | Opening Statement delivered by H.E. Sultan bin Saad al-Muraikhi, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs and Head of Delegation | | 02 Jul 2019 | |
View document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CEDAW_STA_QAT_35422_E.docx | | | | | | QAT | INT/CEDAW/STA/QAT/35422 | | | 109 | True |
List of delegation/participants | Qatar - List of delegation | | | |
View document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CEDAW_LOP_QAT_35319_E.pdf | | | | | | QAT | INT/CEDAW/LOP/QAT/35319 | | | 107 | True |
Concluding observations | CEDAW/C/QAT/CO/2 | | | 30 Jul 2019 |
View document
| | | | | | | E | | S | A | C | R | CEDAW_C_QAT_CO_2_32723_E.docx | | | | | | QAT | CEDAW/C/QAT/CO/2 | | | 5 | True |
State Party report on Follow-up to Concluding Observations | CEDAW/C/QAT/CO/1/Add.1 | | 20 Jul 2016 | 30 Aug 2016 |
View document
| | | | | | | E | | S | A | | | | | | | | | QAT | CEDAW/C/QAT/CO/1/Add.1 | | | 46 | True |
State Party report on Follow-up to Concluding Observations | CEDAW/C/QAT/FCO/2 | | 12 Jul 2021 | 15 Jul 2021 |
View document
| | | | | | | E | | S | A | | | | | | CEDAW_C_QAT_FCO_2_45267_A.docx | | | QAT | CEDAW/C/QAT/FCO/2 | | | 46 | True |
Follow-up decisions adopted by the Committee | Follow-up Assessment letter | | 25 Nov 2021 | |
View document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CEDAW_FUD_QAT_47247_E.doc | | | | | | QAT | INT/CEDAW/FUD/QAT/47247 | | | 120 | True |
Summary records | CEDAW/C/SR.1690 | | | 02 Jul 2019 |
View document
| | | | | | | E | | | | | | | | | | | | QAT | CEDAW/C/SR.1690 | | | 31 | True |
Summary records | CEDAW/C/SR.1691 | | 02 Jul 2019 | 02 Jul 2019 |
View document
| | | | | | | E | | | | | | | | | | | | QAT | CEDAW/C/SR.1691 | | | 31 | True |