Rapport de l'État partie | CRC/C/CAN/5-6 | 11 juil. 2018 | 28 janv. 2019 | 03 mars 2020 |
Voir document
| | | | | | | E | | S | | | | CRC_C_CAN_5-6_6640_E.docx | CRC_C_CAN_5-6_6640_F.docx | | | | | CAN | CRC/C/CAN/5-6 | | | 29 | True |
Addendum | Children First Canada-NGO-Canada-session | | 13 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_ADD_CAN_48621_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/ADD/CAN/48621 | | | 40 | True |
Annexe au rapport de l'État partie | Annexe 1 - Renseignements et données statistiques | | 28 janv. 2019 | |
Voir document
| E | F | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_ADR_CAN_33939_E.docx | INT_CRC_ADR_CAN_33939_F.docx | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/ADR/CAN/33939 | | | 151 | True |
Annexe au rapport de l'État partie | Annexe 2 - Ce que nous avons entendu | | 29 janv. 2019 | |
Voir document
| E | F | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_ADR_CAN_35013_E.docx | INT_CRC_ADR_CAN_35013_F.docx | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/ADR/CAN/35013 | | | 151 | True |
Annexe au rapport de l'État partie | Annexe 3 - Sommaire exécutif du rapport CDE | | 28 janv. 2019 | |
Voir document
| E | F | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_ADR_CAN_35015_E.docx | INT_CRC_ADR_CAN_35015_F.DOCX | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/ADR/CAN/35015 | | | 151 | True |
Liste des points à traiter | CRC/C/CAN/Q/5-6 | | 08 oct. 2020 | 17 nov. 2020 |
Voir document
| | | | | | | E | | S | | | | CRC_C_CAN_Q_5-6_43615_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | CRC/C/CAN/Q/5-6 | | | 18 | True |
Annexe aux réponses de la liste des questions | Annex I | | 04 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | F | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_ARL_CAN_48322_E.docx | INT_CRC_ARL_CAN_48322_F.docx | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/ARL/CAN/48322 | | | 169 | True |
Annexe aux réponses de la liste des questions | Annex II | | 04 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | F | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_ARL_CAN_48323_E.docx | INT_CRC_ARL_CAN_48323_F.docx | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/ARL/CAN/48323 | | | 169 | True |
Réponse à la liste des points à traiter | CRC/C/CAN/RQ/5-6 | | 04 avr. 2022 | 08 avr. 2022 |
Voir document
| | | | | | | E | | S | | | | CRC_C_CAN_RQ_5-6_48321_E.docx | CRC_C_CAN_RQ_5-6_48321_F.docx | | | | | CAN | CRC/C/CAN/RQ/5-6 | | | 22 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | A Way Home Canada, Canadian Observatory on Homelessness, Making the Shift Inc.-NGO-Canada-session | | 15 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48630_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48630 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights and Sexual Rights Initiative-NGO-Canada-session | | 20 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48634_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48634 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights and Sexual Rights Initiative-NGO-Session | | 20 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48492_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48492 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_Individual Expert_Deborah W. Parkes_PSWG | | 02 mars 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42218_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42218 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_Individual Expert_Josie Guo_PSWG | | 02 mars 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42219_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42219 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_Individual Experts_Marvin M. Bernstein, Peter Dudding, Joan E. Durrant, Ron Ensom_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42716_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42716 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_Individual Experts_Marvin M. Bernstein, Peter Dudding, Joan E. Durrant, Ron Ensom-Supplementary Submission-Session | | 16 mai 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48671_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48671 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_A Way Home Canada and the Making the Shift Youth Homelessness Social Innovation Lab_PSWG | | 02 mars 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42220_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42220 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Action Canada for sexual health and rights and Sexual Rights Initiative_PSWG | | 02 mars 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42221_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42221 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Amnesty International_PSWG | | 02 mars 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42223_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42223 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Canada Without Poverty, Campaign 2000 and Citizens for Public Justice_PSWG | | 02 mars 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42224_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42224 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Canadian Bar Association_PSWG | | 02 mars 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42225_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42225 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Canadian Centre on Statelessness and Canadian Citizens Rights Council_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42732_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42732 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children_PSWG | | 02 mars 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42226_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42226 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers)_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42727_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42727 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Children First Canada_Addendum_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42733_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42733 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Children First Canada_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42720_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42720 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Colour of Poverty_Colour of Change_Joint Submission_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42721_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42721 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42708_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42708 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Human Rights Watch_UT_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42707_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42707 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_International Play Association (IPA-C)_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42718_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42718 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Justice for Girls, David Suzuki Foundation, FAFIA, Greenpeace, Just Planet_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42731_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42731 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Juvenile Justice International_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42715_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42715 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_National Association of Friendship Centres_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42711_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42711 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_National Secular Society_PSWG | | 07 sept. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_43282_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/43282 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC)_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42729_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42729 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Participation and Knowledge Translation in Childhood Disability lab_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42717_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42717 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Save the Children Canada_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42709_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42709 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Society for Children and Youth of BC_Joint Submission_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | S | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42728_E.pdf | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42728_S.pdf | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42728 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_StopIGM.org_Zwischengeschlecht.org_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42719_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42719 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_The eQuality Project_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42722_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42722 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Violence Against Children Lobby Group, Justice for Canadian Children_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42714_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42714 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canada_NGO_Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42730_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42730 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canadian Bar Association - Child and Youth Law Section-NGO-Canada-session | | 15 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48628_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48628 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canadian Coalition for the Rights of Children | | 15 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48501_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48501 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy, Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, and HIV Legal Network-NGO-Canada-session | | 15 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48629_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48629 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Centre for Health Science and Law (CHSL)-NGO-Canada-Session | | 16 févr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48285_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48285 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Centre for Health Science and Law (CHSL)-NGO-Canada-Session-Updated Submission | | 21 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48487_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48487 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations-NGO-Canada-Session | | 19 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48496_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48496 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Children First Canada-NGO-Canada-session | | 13 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48620_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48620 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Conscience and Peace Tax international-NGO-Canada-session | | 14 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48624_E.doc | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48624 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Else Marie Knudsen-Individual Expert-Canada-Session | | 15 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48502_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48502 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Equality Now and End FGM Canada Network-NGO-Canada-session | | 14 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48625_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48625 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Hopitaux universitaires Geneve (Olivia Heller, Mathieu Demont, David Beran)-individual expert-Canada-Session | | 06 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48618_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48618 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Human Rights Watch-NGO-Canada-session | | 14 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48623_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48623 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Irwin Elman-Individual Expert-Canada-Session | | 17 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48499_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48499 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Justice for Girls-NGO-Canada-Session | | 21 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48488_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48488 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Kristin Snoddon-Individual Expert-Canada-Session | | 15 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48457_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48457 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | National Secular Society - NGO - Canada - session | | 14 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48622_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48622 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Native Women's Association of Canada-NGO-Canada-session | | 14 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48626_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48626 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | NRHN and WNHHN-NGO-Canada-Session | | 20 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48459_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48459 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | Participation and Knowledge Translation in Childhood Disabilities Lab-NGO-Canada-Session | | 20 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48489_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48489 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | SAVE LIVES OF OUR YOUTHS T SCHOOLS-NGO-Canada-session | | 14 mars 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48617_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48617 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario, Black Legal Action Centre, and Colour of Poverty - Colour of Change-NGO-Canada-session | | 20 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48633_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48633 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario, Black Legal Action Centre, and Colour of Poverty - Colour of Change-NGO-Session | | 20 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48493_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48493 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | StopIGM.org-NGO-Canada-Session | | 17 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48500_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48500 | | | 14 | True |
Info des organisations de la société civile | The Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver (EFry)-NGO-Canada-Session | | 19 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_48495_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/48495 | | | 14 | True |
Info des INDH | Canada_NHRI_Canadian Human Rights Commission_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_IFN_CAN_42705_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/IFN/CAN/42705 | | | 12 | True |
Info des INDH | Canada_NHRI_New Brunswick Office of the Child and Youth Advocate_PSWG | | 28 févr. 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_IFN_CAN_42706_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/IFN/CAN/42706 | | | 12 | True |
Info des INDH | Canadian Council of Child and Youth Advocates (CCCYA)_NHRI_PSWG | | 02 mars 2020 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_NGO_CAN_42227_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/NGO/CAN/42227 | | | 12 | True |
Info des INDH | Canadian Council of Child and Youth Advocates (CCCYA)-NHRI-Canada-session | | 20 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_IFN_CAN_48632_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/IFN/CAN/48632 | | | 12 | True |
Info des INDH | Canadian Council of Child and Youth Advocates (CCCYA)-NHRI-Session | | 20 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_IFN_CAN_48494_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/IFN/CAN/48494 | | | 12 | True |
Info des INDH | Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers) - NGO - Canada - Session | | 11 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_IFN_CAN_48619_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/IFN/CAN/48619 | | | 12 | True |
Info des INDH | Canadian Human Rights Commission-NHRI-Session | | 12 avr. 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_IFN_CAN_48595_E.docx | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/IFN/CAN/48595 | | | 12 | True |
Déclaration | Canada_statement | | 17 mai 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | F | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_STA_CAN_48681_E.docx | INT_CRC_STA_CAN_48681_F.docx | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/STA/CAN/48681 | | | 109 | True |
Liste de la délégation/ des participants | Delegation List Canada | | 16 mai 2022 | |
Voir document
| E | | | | | | | | | | | | INT_CRC_LOP_CAN_48666_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | INT/CRC/LOP/CAN/48666 | | | 107 | True |
Observations finales | CRC/C/CAN/CO/5-6 | | 09 juin 2022 | 23 juin 2022 |
Voir document
| | | | | | | E | | S | A | C | R | CRC_C_CAN_CO_5-6_48911_E.pdf | | | | | | CAN | CRC/C/CAN/CO/5-6 | | | 5 | True |